Question: Plot/Graphic of columns of a Matrix

Dear friends,


My following commands (MAPLE 14), generate the matrix zz1 (see below).

How could I get a plot with "n" (first column) in the "X-coordinate" and second/third and fouth columns in "Y-coordinate"?,

Thanks for your attention,





f1 :=  (w1, w2,n) -> add(add(
 `if` (1/2 <= w1+j*w2+((1/n)*(1-w1-w2))*k and
j*w2 +((1/n)*(1-w1-w2))*k < 1/2 ,
(1/((n+1)*(n+2)))*factorial(k+j)*factorial(n+1-j-k)/(factorial(k)*factorial(n-k)), 0),
k = 0 .. n), j = 0 .. 1) :

zz1= Matrix(  [ seq ( [n, evalf(  f1(4/9,2/9,n)), evalf(  f1(2/9,4/9,n)) , evalf( 1-f1(4/9,2/9,n)-f1(2/9,4/9,n))    ], n= {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 20,100 } )]);

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