Question: run Maple 15 using VPN connection

Hi there
I have a working Maple 15 license server currently used for local network connections.
I have a working VPN server allowing restricted connections to our local domain from the outside.
I have configured the Firewall rules on the VPN server to allow such communication as being able to ping the Maple server as well as knowing that port 27000 is open through the VPN (tested using telnet).
Example, if I run a laptop on the internal side, then Maple runs fine.
If I migrate the laptop to the outside, establish a VPN connection, then trying to run Maple gets me the noted issue
"waiting for kernel connection".
Does anyone have success runing Maple client through a VPN connection?
What needs to be "open" other than port 27000?
As a side note, I also have a Matlab license server. The external connection for the laptop to run Matlab runs fine.
Maple is giving me a slight migraine.

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