Question: Force decomposition for visualization

Hi there!

I'm trying to decompose a measured force (with Force and Moment block) to visualize the three components XYZ independently, using the Force Arrow block. I tried using demultiplexers but an error occur:

connection element mismatch: connect((Main.M3_1.y[1], Main.M3_1.y[2], Main.M3_1.y[3]), /*struct*/ (Main.DFPSubsys1inst.force.r_0, /*struct*/ (Main.DFPSubsys1inst.force.R.T, Main.DFPSubsys1inst.force.R.w), Main.DFPSubsys1inst.force.f, Main.DFPSubsys1inst.force.t))

I also tried a workaround that works just sometimes. I tried applying the 3x1 force signal to a Prescribed Translation block, and then measuring the translation of the outboard frame, and finally applying the result to Force Arrow. But I get (not always, because weirdly it worked just fine for a moment) the error: 

connection element mismatch: connect(/*struct*/ (Main.DFPSubsys1inst.force3.r_0, /*struct*/ (Main.DFPSubsys1inst.force3.R.T, Main.DFPSubsys1inst.force3.R.w), Main.DFPSubsys1inst.force3.f, Main.DFPSubsys1inst.force3.t), (Main.'força decomp visual1::força'[1], Main.'força decomp visual1::força'[2], Main.'força decomp visual1::força'[3]))


Anyone knows what is happening and a solution for this?

Thanks for all! 

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