Question: Problem with "display" command in Maple

Hi everyone

I have solved an ODE in Maple with the following command:

soln := dsolve({ode1, f(0) = 0, f(1) = 1, (D(f))(0) = 0, (D(f))(1) = 0}, f(eta), numeric)

where ode1 is:

ode1 := diff(f(eta), [`$`(eta, 4)])+R*(eta*(diff(f(eta), [`$`(eta, 3)]))+3*(diff(f(eta), [`$`(eta, 2)]))-f(eta)*(diff(f(eta), [`$`(eta, 3)]))+(diff(f(eta), eta))*(diff(f(eta), [`$`(eta, 2)]))) = 0

then I saved the soln plot in p1 as:

p1 := odeplot(soln, [eta, f(eta)], 0 .. 1, color = magneta, thickness = 2, scaling = constrained)


also I have another known plot like this one:

p2 := pointplot(g(eta), color = blue, scaling = constrained)

where g(eta) is a known function.but when I wanna display these two plots in a single plot with display command I see below result:

display([p1, p2]);

display([odeplot(soln, [eta, f(eta)], 0 .. 1, color = magneta, thickness = 2, scaling = constrained), pointplot(g(eta)), color = blue, scaling = constrained)])

I mean nothing will be displayed. Your answers will be well appreciated! 

thank you!

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