Question: Insufficient initial value in odeplot

I encounter "insufficient  initial/boundary value" error message,  do know how to proceed from there, search with "insufficient initial value" gets no result. Any help will be appreciated.



> restart; alias(r = r(t), f = f(t)); with(plots);
r, f
> DE := diff(r, t) = 2*r+alpha*r*f, diff(f, t) = -f+alpha*r*f;
d d
--- r = 2 r + alpha r f, --- f = -f + alpha r f
dt dt
> params := alpha = .3;
alpha = 0.3
> initv := r(0) = 101, f(0) = 2;
> dvars := [r, t];
> chaodisplay := proc (chartname) EQ := [op(subs(params, [DE])), initv]; EQ1 := dsolve(EQ, numeric); odeplot(EQ1, dvars, t = 0 .. 300, axes = frame, numpoints = 50000, color = green, orientation = [-30, 100], title = chartname) end proc;
Warning, `EQ` is implicitly declared local to procedure `chaodisplay`
Warning, `EQ1` is implicitly declared local to procedure `chaodisplay`
> chaodisplay("Rabbit and Fox");
Error, (in dsolve/numeric/type_check) insufficient initial/boundary value information for procedure defined problem

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