Question: Maple LaTeX font consistency

Dear Mapleprimes,

I have been struggling with a problem in the last couple of days. I wish to export a Maple plot to LaTeX while ensuring font consistency. While searching for solutions online, I found the psfrag package in LaTeX. So far, however, I have been unsuccesful in making this work. As as test, I attempted to export plot(x^2) to LaTeX. I used the following code to convert to .eps which worked fine:

plotsetup(ps, plotoutput = `plot1.eps`, plotoptions = `portrait, noborder,height=5in,width=5in`);plot(x^2);

Then in LaTeX, I have:





\psfrag{x}{$ \alpha $}

However, no replacements are made. After intense Google searching I found the following post which to sum up argues that this was only possible with earlier versions of Maple.

Does anyone know if the problem has been resolved?

Does anyone know any other ways to ensure font consistency for plots imported from Maple to LaTeX?

Thank you very much in advance!


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