Question: How to write each solution in first order in 1/c^2 and in first oder in A1 simultaneously?Otherwise How to write them as mu=........+O(1/c^3)+O(A1^2) ?(

> restart;
> with(LinearAlgebra);
> q := a*mu^4+b*mu^3+d*mu^2+e*mu+f = 0;
> sol := solve(a*mu^4+b*mu^3+d*mu^2+e*mu+f = 0, mu);
> S[1] := allvalues(sol);
> PARAM := [a = -54/c^2-1269*A[1]/(8*c^2), b = 108/c^2+5013*A[1]/(8*c^2), d = 27-693/(2*c^2)+117*A[1]-7113*A[1]/(4*c^2), e = -27+585/(2*c^2)-111*A[1]+20439*A[1]/(16*c^2), f = 1-3*A[1]-18/c^2-8*A[1]/c^2];
> S2 := eval(S[1], PARAM);
Error, invalid input: eval received PARAM, which is not valid for its 2nd argument, eqns
> series(%, c = infinity, 3, A[1] = 0, 2]);
Please i mean by last statemene the solutions to be written i series as:




A1=0,2 means O(A1^2),therefore,i am not evaluating at .2 .

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