Question: I want to obtain the formula of SINGULAR VALUE of state-space matrix form SYSTEM H(jw)



I'm a beginner of Maple 13. 


In MATLAB, there is a command 'sigmaplot' which draw the 'SINGULAR VALUE OF SYSTEM H(jw)' over all frequency range. 

I want to obtain the function of the 'sigmaplot' graph about frequency variable 'w'.


so I defined matrix A,B,C,D in Maple13. 


and specify H like following


H:= Multiply(C,Multiply(Inversematrix(s*IdentityMatrix(8)-A),B))+D              


          --> It is to express H=C*((sI-A)^-1)*B+D that is the state-space matrix of frequency domain form.


and Maple 13 gave me a very long formular expressed by 's'.


Then I try to 'SingularValues' command 


but there came up 'Error Message : Error. (in content/polynom) general case of floats not handled'


I couldn't resolve this problem.... 


So I'm requesting your advice like this.


Could you give some advice ? 

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