Question: What does this notation mean: "0.824cos"

I'm doing some stuff with Taylor Polynomials on Maple. In particular, I'm trying to find the second order Taylor Polynomial of e^x cos x. I'm using the "taylor" command.


This is what I have so far:


> f := proc (x) options operator, arrow; exp(x)*cos*x end proc;
x -> exp(x) cos x
> s2 := taylor(f(x), x = (1/3)*Pi, 2);
> p2 := convert(s2, polynom);
1 /1 \
- exp|- Pi| cos Pi
3 \3 /

/ /1 \ 1 /1 \ \ / 1 \
+ |exp|- Pi| cos + - exp|- Pi| cos Pi| |x - - Pi|
\ \3 / 3 \3 / / \ 3 /
> y1 := evalf(subs(x = .5, f(x)));
0.8243606355 cos
> y2 := evalf(subs(x = .5, p2));
-0.208092943 cos


Everything looks fine until the last two lines.


How do I interpret ".8243606355*cos" ? Cosine should have an argument. Am I messing up something with my code, or is this standard in Maple language?

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