Question: Dirac Algebra using the Physics Package


I'm trying to set up the dirac algebra using the Physics package in maple 18. There are dirac gamma matricies (Dgamma) already specified, but I can't seem to manipulate their commutation relations. 

So I've tried building my own: 


Setup(noncommutativeprefix = {gamma});

g[1] := gamma[1]; g[2] := gamma[2]; g[3] := gamma[3]; g[4] := gamma[0];

InverseMetric := rhs(g_[`~mu`, `~nu`, matrix])

Algebra :=  (a, b) -> %AntiCommutator(g[a], g[b]) = 2*InverseMetric[a, b];

Rules := Matrix(4, 4, Algebra);

Setup(algebrarules = Rules);

Error, (in Physics:-Setup) unable to set AntiCommutator(gamma[0], gamma[1]) = 0 because, taking into account {AntiCommutator(gamma[0], gamma[0]) = 2}, we would have gamma[0] and gamma[0] anticommutative and AntiCommutator(gamma[0], gamma[0]) <> 0

It seems like Maple can't handle the Dirac Algebra? Or have I done something obviously wrong?

Any help is appreciated. 


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