Question: Dos and don'ts of Maple programming w.r.t. the physics package

EDIT 2: Ok, here is what I am trying to do with Maple.

I have the following expression:




 (j times)

Now the above expression should be zero. I get a set of equations in orders of lambda. The H matrices are known. I only need to find the S matrices.

Anyways, the HOffDiag is the sum above and the GetAdvCommutator0 is this nested commutator. And I need this sum evaluated up to order n (n is a given input-number) in lambda. The rest is really not that performance hungry.



EDIT: Ok, it realy seems that this sum of commutators is something that takes Maple forever. I have written a new MWE. Is it possible to speed things up? Maybe using assumptions or so?


restart;with(Physics):with(LinearAlgebra): Setup(mathematicalnotation=true):Setup(noncommutativeprefix={M,H,S});

[noncommutativeprefix = {H, M, S}]


    if power <= 0 then return M fi:
    if power = 1 then

        return mtaylor(Commutator(M,add(lambda^l*S[l],l=1..order)),lambda, order+1) fi:
    return mtaylor(Commutator(GetAdvCommutator0(power-1,order,M),add(lambda^l*S[l],l=1..order)),lambda,order+1):
end proc:


HOffDiag(3); # still fast

lambda^3*Physics:-Commutator(H[0], S[3])+lambda^2*Physics:-Commutator(H[0], S[2])+lambda*Physics:-Commutator(H[0], S[1])+(1/6)*lambda^3*Physics:-Commutator(Physics:-Commutator(Physics:-Commutator(H[0], S[1]), S[1]), S[1])+lambda^2*Physics:-Commutator(H[1], S[1])+lambda^3*Physics:-Commutator(H[1], S[2])+lambda*H[2]+(1/2)*lambda^3*Physics:-Commutator(Physics:-Commutator(H[2], S[1]), S[1])


HOffDiag(6); # takes a very long time, I didn't even try entering higher numbers

Warning,  computation interrupted



I know this question is really unspecific. However, since I am still new to Maple, and since you don't program with Maple as you would do with c++, I would appreciate some advise. I have written a program in Maple and I don't know if it works correctly. All I know is, it is pretty slow :(.

So if anyone of you could just have a short look at my attached worksheet and could tell me, if I at some point used an obvious "don't", I would greatly appreciate it.






A Maple worksheet


Setup Maple




[noncommutativeprefix = {H, MA, MB, S}]




Input parameter



H0:=Matrix([[ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ],
            [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ],
            [ 0 , 0 , U , 0 ],
            [ 0 , 0 , 0 , U ]]);

H0 := Matrix(4, 4, {(1, 1) = 0, (1, 2) = 0, (1, 3) = 0, (1, 4) = 0, (2, 1) = 0, (2, 2) = 0, (2, 3) = 0, (2, 4) = 0, (3, 1) = 0, (3, 2) = 0, (3, 3) = U, (3, 4) = 0, (4, 1) = 0, (4, 2) = 0, (4, 3) = 0, (4, 4) = U})


H1:=Matrix([[ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ],
            [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ],
            [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ],
            [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ]]);

H1 := Matrix(4, 4, {(1, 1) = 0, (1, 2) = 0, (1, 3) = 0, (1, 4) = 0, (2, 1) = 0, (2, 2) = 0, (2, 3) = 0, (2, 4) = 0, (3, 1) = 0, (3, 2) = 0, (3, 3) = 0, (3, 4) = 0, (4, 1) = 0, (4, 2) = 0, (4, 3) = 0, (4, 4) = 0})


H2:=Matrix([[  0 , 0 , -t , -t ],
            [  0 , 0 ,  t ,  t ],
            [ -t , t ,  0 ,  0 ],
            [ -t , t ,  0 ,  0 ]]);

H2 := Matrix(4, 4, {(1, 1) = 0, (1, 2) = 0, (1, 3) = -t, (1, 4) = -t, (2, 1) = 0, (2, 2) = 0, (2, 3) = t, (2, 4) = t, (3, 1) = -t, (3, 2) = t, (3, 3) = 0, (3, 4) = 0, (4, 1) = -t, (4, 2) = t, (4, 3) = 0, (4, 4) = 0})


orderNumber:= 4 ;







Define all necessary functions




    local Comm:
    if power <= 0 then return H[0] fi:
    if power = 1 then return add(coeff(Commutator(H[0],add(lambda^l*S[l],l=1..order)),lambda,n)*lambda^n,n=0..order) fi:
    return add(coeff(Commutator(GetAdvCommutator0(power-1,order),add(lambda^l*S[l],l=1..order)),lambda,n)*lambda^n,n=0..order):
end proc:

    local Comm:
    if power <= 0 then return lambda*H[1] fi:
    if power = 1 then return add(coeff(Commutator(lambda*H[1],add(lambda^l*S[l],l=1..order)),lambda,n)*lambda^n,n=0..order) fi:
    return add(coeff(Commutator(GetAdvCommutator1(power-1,order),add(lambda^l*S[l],l=1..order)),lambda,n)*lambda^n,n=0..order):
end proc:

    local Comm:
    if power <= 0 then return lambda*H[2] fi:
    if power = 1 then return add(coeff(Commutator(lambda*H[2],add(lambda^l*S[l],l=1..order)),lambda,n)*lambda^n,n=0..order) fi:
    return add(coeff(Commutator(GetAdvCommutator2(power-1,order),add(lambda^l*S[l],l=1..order)),lambda,n)*lambda^n,n=0..order):
end proc:








computeHBlockDiag:=proc( n::posint,firstBlockWidth::posint, H0::Matrix, H1::Matrix, H2::Matrix )
    local expr, Orders, i, eq, j, eq2, orders,smatrices,rows::posint,evallist,m,l,cols,Hdiag,ff;
    expr:=HOffDiag(n);       # !!!!! this one is one of the slowest parts I think                                     
    for i from 1 to n do                                          
        for j from 1 to i-1 do

    for i from 1 to n do
        for j from 1 to i-1 do
        for m from 1 to firstBlockWidth do
            for l from firstBlockWidth+1 to rows do

    expr:=HOnDiag(n);            # !!!!! and this one of course (almost identical to the one above)                                       
    evallist:= [op(evallist), H[0]=H0,S[n]=smatrices[n]];

    return Hdiag;
end proc:





Matrix(4, 4, {(1, 1) = -2*t^2/U, (1, 2) = 2*t^2/U, (1, 3) = 0, (1, 4) = 0, (2, 1) = 2*t^2/U, (2, 2) = -2*t^2/U, (2, 3) = 0, (2, 4) = 0, (3, 1) = 0, (3, 2) = 0, (3, 3) = U+2*t^2/U, (3, 4) = 2*t^2/U, (4, 1) = 0, (4, 2) = 0, (4, 3) = 2*t^2/U, (4, 4) = U+2*t^2/U})



Vector(4, {(1) = 0, (2) = U, (3) = -4*t^2/U, (4) = (U^2+4*t^2)/U})








Matrix(4, 4, {(1, 1) = -2*t^2/U, (1, 2) = 2*t^2/U, (1, 3) = 0, (1, 4) = 0, (2, 1) = 2*t^2/U, (2, 2) = -2*t^2/U, (2, 3) = 0, (2, 4) = 0, (3, 1) = 0, (3, 2) = 0, (3, 3) = U+2*t^2/U, (3, 4) = 2*t^2/U, (4, 1) = 0, (4, 2) = 0, (4, 3) = 2*t^2/U, (4, 4) = U+2*t^2/U})


#Not so fast


Matrix(4, 4, {(1, 1) = -2*t^2/U-(8/3)*t^4/U^3, (1, 2) = 2*t^2/U+(8/3)*t^4/U^3, (1, 3) = 0, (1, 4) = 0, (2, 1) = 2*t^2/U+(8/3)*t^4/U^3, (2, 2) = -2*t^2/U-(8/3)*t^4/U^3, (2, 3) = 0, (2, 4) = 0, (3, 1) = 0, (3, 2) = 0, (3, 3) = U+2*t^2/U+(8/3)*t^4/U^3, (3, 4) = 2*t^2/U+(8/3)*t^4/U^3, (4, 1) = 0, (4, 2) = 0, (4, 3) = 2*t^2/U+(8/3)*t^4/U^3, (4, 4) = U+2*t^2/U+(8/3)*t^4/U^3})


#Already pretty slow :(


Warning,  computation interrupted






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