Question: Find a group of parameters from contstraint equations

Hi all,

I have lots of contstraint equations group and I want to fund a group of parameters which can fit them. 

For example, these are a simple constraint eqqations group:
eqs:{x1>0, x2>0 x1<1000, x2<1000, x1+x2>300,x1+x2<700}

Through SolveTools library, I can determine whether there is a group of parameters.


LinearMultivariateSystem({x1 > 0, x1+x2 > 300, x2 < 1000, x1+x2 < 700, x2 > 0*x1 and 0*x1 < 1000}, [x1, x2]);

{[{x1 <= 300, 0 < x1}, {x2 < -x1 + 700, 300 - x1 < x2}],[{300 < x1, x1 < 700}, {0 < x2, x2 < -x1 + 700}]}


Then, if I want to find a group of parameter a group of parameters (ex, x1=300, x2=200 in this case), how should I do?

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