Question: procedure that takes integer n and returns an ordered pair (x,y) of solutions

I need to write a procedure that does the following :

Write a procedure quadsum whose input is an integer n and whose output is a list of pairs of solutions [x,y] to the above formula.

Your procedure should implement the following algorithm.

1 Initialization
"mylist = []."

Start at
x = 0
y = 0.

2 Phase A
Increment both
"x^2+y^2 >=n."

Phase B
Repeat the following until

If you are above the circle
x^2 + y^2 = n
then go down in unit steps until you are on or below the circle.

If you are on the circle, add the point to the list
"mylist. "

If you are on or below the circle
x^2 + y^2 = n
then go one step to the right. My procedure is as follows: but it runs into an infinite loop(most probably because of the while loop defined inside the while loop). What am I doing incorrectly?

I have atta


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