Question: solving simultaneous equations, gettin _Z in results


I was trying to find the solution for two theta variables in a couple of simultaneous equations (infact this is an iverse kinematics problem for a two link system pendulum).
The following are the initial inputs/equations to be manipulated:

Then I use the folowing command to rearrange for the theta values which I am after:

which gives me the result:

This is all fine until I give in values for l1, l2, x and y:


I have a RootOf in there with a _Z term poping up here and there. I know that this configuration of the two link mechanism in fact dows have a solution and that these numbers are reasonable. Thus I have three questions:

Why does this happen?
What does the "signum" mean here?
how do I go about getting the nummerical values?

Many thanks,
- pjf

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