Question: Problem with pdsolve

I am trying to solve a PDE which is converted to ODE when we assign one of the  variables some value. The boundary conditions given to the PDE are numerical values given for fixed numerical values to the two independent variables. I am trying to solve the PDE with the staandard syntax:

pds := pdsolve(pde,[ibc],numeric,time=z,range=0..beta);

The error message I get is:  

Error, (in pdsolve/numeric/process_PDEs) PDEs can only contain dependent variables with direct dependence on the independent variables of the problem, got {theta(z, 0)}

The pde and boundary conditions are as follows:

PDE:   pde := diff(theta(z, 0), z, z)+theta(z, 0)

Where zero is the fixed value for an independent variable

Boundary Condition:  ibc:={theta(0,0)=beta,D[1](theta)(0,0)=0};

When I try to solve it as an ODE the error is:

Error, (in dsolve) not an ODE system, please try pdsolve


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