Question: Error in Distribution



  I have the following input



with( Statistics ):

g:= exp(-a*x) + c*a*exp(-a*x);
#f := x -> piecewise( x < 0, 0, x>0, g );
 f :=x -> piecewise( x < 0, 0, x>0, exp(-a*x) + c*a*exp(-a*x));

norm_factor:=int( f(x), x=0..infinity );

F := Distribution( PDF = 1/norm_factor*f ):
X := RandomVariable( F ):

N := 20;
S := convert( Sample(X,N), list );




The code works. However, if I comment out 

 f :=x -> piecewise( x < 0, 0, x>0, exp(-a*x) + c*a*exp(-a*x));

 , then use

f := x -> piecewise( x < 0, 0, x>0, g );



f := x -> piecewise( x < 0, 0, x>0, g );
 #f :=x -> piecewise( x < 0, 0, x>0, exp(-a*x) + c*a*exp(-a*x));


It is said "

Error, (in Statistics:-Sample) unable to construct the envelopes for _R, try to specify the initial range"


The norm_factors are actually the same for both inputs. What is the reason for the error message?  Suppose I still want to use something like

f := x -> piecewise( x < 0, 0, x>0, g );

,how to fix the problem?


Thank you very much



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