Question: `assuming` not working for functions

This is a stripped down example of something I've been doing. Basically I'm building matrices which I then, using unapply, convert into functions of some variables of t.
.... but found that simplify seems to often not work as i'd wish.

mm:=Matrix([[cos(sqrt(g__1^2)*t), (-I*g__1*sin(sqrt(g__1^2)*t))*(1/sqrt(g__1^2))], [(-I*g__1*sin(sqrt(g__1^2)*t))*(1/sqrt(g__1^2)) ,cos(sqrt(g__1^2)*t)]]);

#great - simplifies as i'd expect:
simplify(mm) assuming g__1::positive;

Do the same thing but when matrix is a function of t
mmFun:=unapply(mm, t);

#the function works - gives what i'd expect
mmFun(3); mmFun(t);

#but now the simplification does not work - why the g__1 in the argument of cos does not get properly simplified?
simplify(mmFun(t)) assuming g__1::positive;

Any ideas if this is a bug? I'm using maple 2015.2 on linux 64-bit.

here is the worksheet:



as a side note once can sometimes overcome this with mapping simplify  as in :

map(simplify, resultMatrix ) assuming g__1::positive;

but this is not optimal, and sometimes does not work when i first multiply the matrix by say a vector.




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