Question: Problem with document table

As an exercise, I'm trying to replicate the table shown at the end of section 10.3 (Creating Embedded Components) of the Maple User Manual, the table on page 308 of the PDF, reproduced here:

I create a 6 x 3 table, and merge cells of columns 1 and 2 in each of rows 1, 2, 5 and 6, and proceed to enter the text and components from the Embedded Components example 2 to look as above. In column 3, I merge the cells in rows 2, 3, 4, 5 in order to place the plot component as shown. The new cell seems to be considered as in the same row as its top merged cell, in this case, row 2.

I can't control vertical positioning in the plot cell in column 3. If I select the vertical alignment for the plot cell (which sets the same vertical alignment for all of row 2), to Centre or Bottom or Baseline, the alignment is to the centre or bottom or baseline of row 2, not of the plot cell. So when I paste the plot into the cell it extends up from the Centre or Bottom or Baseline of row 2, to well above the table's top border.

If instead I set the vertical alignment to Top, then the pasted plot fits into the cell since the top of the plot now aligns with the top of row 2. But that can be an annoying restriction. Also, I am no longer allowed to set the vertical alignment in rows 3, 4 or 5 because of the merged cell in column 3.

Maple document tables need to have two improvements:

  1. The ability to adjust vertical centring in a single cell (merged or not), instead of just across a row.
  2. The ability to resize row height. Currently it looks like document tables only allow resizing column width.

I guess my question is mainly, is there a better way to go about setting up a document table in order to control fairly precisely how it appears? And to get around some of these formatting restrictions?


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