Question: Higher order derivatives

Consider, say, the following third order derivative:

expr := diff(f(x,y),x,y$2);

Does there in Maple exist some built-in functions for extracting from such an expression 1.) the function being differentiated, and 2.) the coordinates being differentiated with respect to? Using op(expr) is of no immediate avail as it returns only a second order derivative (as the first operand), and one of the coordinates being differentiated with respect to (as the second operand).

It is, of course, possible to make ones own function for extracting these two quantities, a crude example being

splitDeriv := proc(expr,coords::expects(list) := [])
   if PDETools:-difforder(expr) > 0 then
   end if
end proc:

for which


But it would be much nicer to use built-in functions. And perhaps such functions do exist. If so, I am unable to locate them. Perhaps I am just being stupid, for the problem seems rather elementary.

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