Question: Polarplot3d of ODE system solution

I am trying to have the output of DETOOLS as 3dpolarplot. As in the following example:


EF := {2*(diff(w[2](t), t)) = 10, diff(w[1](t), t) = sqrt(2/w[1](t)), diff(w[3](t), t) = 0}; with(DEtools); DEplot3d(EF, {w[1](t), w[2](t), w[3](t)}, t = 0 .. 100, [[w[1](0) = 1, w[2](0) = 0, w[3](0) = 0]], scene = [w[1](t), w[2](t), w[3](t)], stepsize = .1, orientation = [139, -106])


how can I get the output as a polarplot in 3d where, w[2] and w[3] have range 0..2*pi.

Please help in this respect asap.


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