Question: How can i get rid out of this error?

with(plots); with(DEtools);
`ε` := .1;
de1 := x[0](t)+`ε`*x[1](t);
ode2 := sin(t)-`ε`*t*sin(t);
MODEL := {ode1, ode2};
VARS := {x(t), y(t)};
DOMAIN := t = 0 .. 20;
RANGE := x = -3 .. 3, y = -3 .. 3; COLORS := [BLACK, BLUE];
IC1 := [x[0](0) = 0, x[1](0) = 0]; IC2 := [(D(x[0]))(0) = 1, (D(x[1]))(0) = 0];
DEplot(MODEL, VARS, DOMAIN, RANGE, [IC1, IC2], stepsize = .1, arrows = THIN, linecolor = COLORS);
Error, (in DEtools/DEplot/CheckInitial) the 'number' option must be specified before initial conditions

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