Question: The function diff of Matlab calculates differences between adjacent elements .Is there a similar function in Mape?

Is it possible to reproduce this MathCad example in Maple?

The quantity diff(y)./diff(x) is an approximate derivative.

  • x = [1 2 3 4 5];
    y = diff(x)
    y =
         1     1     1     1
    z = diff(x,2)
    z =
         0     0     0


  • A = rand(1,3,2,4);

diff(A) is the first-order difference along dimension 2.

diff(A,3,4) is the third-order difference along dimension 4.

The function diff of Matlab calculates differences between adjacent elements of X along the first array dimension whose size does not equal 1

Is there a similar function in Mape?

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