Question: Maple: Squaring both sides of an equation not producing equal results


Can someone explain to me why the following lists do not have the same content?  And suggest how I might be able to fix the problem?



a := (x^2+y^2)^3 = y^2:

b := (x^2+y^2)^(3/2) = y:

listA := sort([seq(evalf(solve({y >= 0, subs(x = i, a)}, {y})), i = 0.5e-1 .. .5, 0.5e-1)]);

listB := sort([seq(evalf(solve({y >= 0, subs(x = i, b)}, {y})), i = 0.5e-1 .. .5, 0.5e-1)]);

evalb(listA = listB);

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