Question: Boxplots for two different data sets over 5 classes

These are the timings for various algorithms, using different starting points deriving surfaces of dimension 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

times3:=[[], [.140], [1.344, .891], [1.578, 1.312, 1.375, 1.437, 1.922, 2.625, 6.406], [2.188, 2.312, 1.687, 2.110, 2.047, 1.578, 8.953, 1.891, 1.875, 9.344, 2.203, 55.969, 2.266, 2.531, 81.078, 2.172, 50.641, 2.500, 3.141, 61.656, 3.406, 3.375]]

times1:=[[.718], [.766, 4.703], [.750, .797, 7.594, 3.938], [6.594, 7.718, 11.969, 8.485, 11.391, 130.583, 548.284, 974.435], [7.281, 8.515, 65.569, 7.016, 8.312, 9.500, 8.562, 9.766, 10.641, 12.609, 13.281, 17.453, 18.640, 1763.860, 2659.990, 7812.89, 8189.139]]

So far i can get a boxplot of either:

but what I'd like is a boxplot like this but i can't work out how to do this.

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