Question: How to write an equation without compiling?

I computed A and B matrices, now I want to write it in state space reperentation.

diff(x(t), t) = A*x(t)+B*u


diff(x(t), t) = (Vector(6, {(1) = diff(alpha(t), t), (2) = diff(alpha(t), t, t), (3) = diff(y(t), t), (4) = diff(y(t), t, t), (5) = diff(theta(t), t), (6) = diff(theta(t), t, t)}))

So I calculated A*x(t)+B*u and got this:

(Vector(6, {(1) = diff(alpha(t), t), (2) = diff(alpha(t), t, t), (3) = diff(y(t), t), (4) = diff(y(t), t, t), (5) = diff(theta(t), t), (6) = diff(theta(t), t, t)})) = (Vector(6, {(1) = 0, (2) = k/(J*R), (3) = 0, (4) = k/(M*R*r), (5) = 0, (6) = -k/(M*R*r*l)})).e+(Vector(6, {(1) = diff(alpha(t), t), (2) = -k^2*(diff(alpha(t), t))/(J*R), (3) = diff(y(t), t), (4) = -k^2*(diff(y(t), t))/(M*R*r^2)-m*g*theta(t)/M, (5) = diff(theta(t), t), (6) = k^2*(diff(y(t), t))/(M*R*r^2*l)+(M+m)*g*theta(t)/(M*l)}))

where u=e but the formation is not A*x(t)+B*u anymore. How can I enforce Maple to output the result in the form of A*x(t)+B*u?

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