Question: Error when finding Killing Vectors in Maple Differential Geometry


I tried to find Killing vectors of a certain metric, but Maple gives an error, which is reproduced with the following piece of code (the metric which I need is more difficult, so I would like to refrain from using "Physics" package). Could anybody tell me what the problem is and how I should solve it, please?


with(DifferentialGeometry); with(Tensor); with(LieAlgebras)

DGsetup([xi, chi, u1, u2, v1, v2], P)

`frame name: P`

P > 

g := evalDG(1/2*(`&t`(dxi, dxi)+`&tensor`(du1*v1+du2*v2+dchi, du1*v1+du2*v2+dchi)*exp(-2*xi)+`&t`(dv1, dv1)+`&t`(dv2, dv2)))

_DG([["tensor", P, [["cov_bas", "cov_bas"], []]], [[[1, 1], 1/2], [[2, 2], (1/2)*exp(-2*xi)], [[2, 3], (1/2)*exp(-2*xi)*v1], [[2, 4], (1/2)*exp(-2*xi)*v2], [[3, 2], (1/2)*exp(-2*xi)*v1], [[3, 3], (1/2)*exp(-2*xi)*v1^2], [[3, 4], (1/2)*exp(-2*xi)*v1*v2], [[4, 2], (1/2)*exp(-2*xi)*v2], [[4, 3], (1/2)*exp(-2*xi)*v1*v2], [[4, 4], (1/2)*exp(-2*xi)*v2^2], [[5, 5], 1/2], [[6, 6], 1/2]]])

P > 

KV := KillingVectors(g)

Error, (in DifferentialGeometry:-Tensor:-Christoffel) expected 1st argument to be a metric tensor. Received: _DG([["tensor", P, [["cov_bas", "cov_bas"], []]], [`...`]])

P > 





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