Question: Fracsym package

When i am running a code in maple worksheet , one error is shown by maple. My code and error (in bold) is below

Instructional workheet for the FracSym package
G. F. Jefferson and J. Carminati

Read in accompanying packages: ASP, DESOLVII and initialise using the with command:

read `ASP v4.6.3.txt`:

DESOLVII_V5R5 (March 2011)(c), by Dr. K. T. Vu, Dr. J. Carminati and Miss G. 


 The authors kindly request that this software be referenced, if it is used 

    in work eventuating in a publication, by citing the article:
  K.T. Vu, G.F. Jefferson, J. Carminati, Finding generalised symmetries of 

     differential equations
using the MAPLE package DESOLVII,Comput. Phys. Commun. 183 (2012) 1044-1054.

       ASP (November 2011), by Miss G. Jefferson and Dr. J. Carminati

 The authors kindly request that this software be referenced, if it is used 

    in work eventuating in a publication, by citing the article:
    G.F. Jefferson, J. Carminati, ASP: Automated Symbolic Computation of 

       Approximate Symmetries
    of Differential Equations, Comput. Phys. Comm. 184 (2013) 1045-1063.

              [ApproximateSymmetry, applygenerator, commutator]
[classify, comtab, defeqn, deteq_split, extgenerator, gendef, genvec, 

  icde_cons, liesolve, mod_eq, originalVar, pdesolv, reduceVar, reduceVargen, 

  symmetry, varchange]

Read in FracSym and initialise using the with command:
read `FracSym.v1.16.txt`;
       FracSym (April 2013), by Miss G. Jefferson and Dr. J. Carminati

 The authors kindly request that this software be referenced, if it is used 

    in work eventuating in a publication, by citing:
G.F. Jefferson, J. Carminati, FracSym: Automated symbolic computation of Lie 

of fractional differential equations, Comput. Phys. Comm. Submitted May 2013.

 [Rfracdiff, TotalD, applyFracgen, evalTotalD, expandsum, fracDet, fracGen, 



The Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives is expressed in "inert" form using the FracSym routine Rfracdiff.
The explicit formula for the form of these fractional derivatives may be found in I. Podlubny, Fractional differential equations: An introduction to fractional derivatives, fractional differential equations, some methods of their solution and some of their applications, San Diego, 1999.)

Rfracdiff(u(x, t),t,alpha);
                             D[t     ](u(x, t))

If the fractional derivative is taken for a product, the generalised Leibnitz rule is used to express the result (the product operator used is &* and is non-commutative). 
Rfracdiff(u(x, t)&*v(x,t),t,alpha);
        )                          (alpha - n)              n          
       /     binomial(alpha, n) D[t           ](u(x, t)) D[t ](v(x, t))
      n = 0                                                            
Rfracdiff(v(x, t)&*u(x,t),t,alpha);
        )                          (alpha - n)              n          
       /     binomial(alpha, n) D[t           ](v(x, t)) D[t ](u(x, t))
      n = 0                                                            

Fractional derivatives of integer order revert to the MAPLE diff routine.

Rfracdiff(u(x, t)&*v(x,t),t,2);
         / d  / d         \\             / d         \ / d         \
         |--- |--- u(x, t)|| v(x, t) + 2 |--- u(x, t)| |--- v(x, t)|
         \ dt \ dt        //             \ dt        / \ dt        /

                      / d  / d         \\
            + u(x, t) |--- |--- v(x, t)||
                      \ dt \ dt        //

The FracSym rouine TotalD may also be used to find total derivatives. evalTotalD is then used to evaluate the result (in jet notation). For example, 

TotalD(xi[x](x, y),x,2);
                             D[x ](xi[x](x, y))
        [     / d             \      2 / d  / d             \\
        [y_xx |--- xi[x](x, y)| + y_x  |--- |--- xi[x](x, y)||
        [     \ dy            /        \ dy \ dy            //

               / d  / d             \\       / d  / d             \\]
           + 2 |--- |--- xi[x](x, y)|| y_x + |--- |--- xi[x](x, y)||]
               \ dy \ dx            //       \ dx \ dx            //]


Consider the fractional PDE from: R. Sahadevan, T. Bakkyaraj, Invariant analysis of time fractional generalized Burgers and Korteweg-de Vries equations, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 393 (2012) 341-347.

We use the Rfracdiff routine to express the 
 fractional derivative with respect to t:
fde1:=Rfracdiff(u(x, t),t,alpha) = (diff(u(x, t), x,x))+n*(u(x, t))^p*(diff(u(x, t),  x));
        alpha             / d  / d         \\            p / d         \
     D[t     ](u(x, t)) = |--- |--- u(x, t)|| + n u(x, t)  |--- u(x, t)|
                          \ dx \ dx        //              \ dx        /

sys1:=[Rfracdiff(u(x, t),t,alpha) = (diff(v(x, t), x)), Rfracdiff(v(x, t),t,alpha) = -u(x, t)*diff(u(x, t),x)];
[   alpha              d              alpha                      / d         \]
[D[t     ](u(x, t)) = --- v(x, t), D[t     ](v(x, t)) = -u(x, t) |--- u(x, t)|]
[                      dx                                        \ dx        /]

We use the the FracSym routine fracDet to find the determining equations for the symmetry for fde1. 
NOTE: The fourth argument (some integer at least 1) corresponds to the number of terms to be "peeled off" from the sums which occur in the extended infintesimal function for the fractional derivative. A value of 2 provides a good balance between information for solution of determining equations and speed.

deteqs:=fracDet([sys1], [u, v],[x, t], 2, alpha=(0.1)..1);
Error, (in desolv/PickLHSDerivative) Cannot pick out the left hand side derivatives

Please suggest what problem it may be?

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