Question: plot view is limited

With Maple 2020, I have been experiencing some odd behavior of simple 2D plots. For example, I plotted two functions on the same graph, and the default view did not contain the full upper or lower limits of both functions. (Sorry, I chose to move on and so I am unable to reproduce this outcome – but it has happened more than once.)  

Now I am experiencing another limited view of a plot, this time a single function. In creating a simple example of the SIR model, I have dsolve output a list of procedures so that I can plot them as functions. But when I plot one of the functions, it does not plot the entire function from the lower to the upper limit. Am I alone in experiencing this outcome? Is there something I am doing wrong that is causing this behavior?


restart; plots:-setoptions(size = [300, 300])

s_eq := diff(s(t), t) = -ir*i(t)*s(t); i_eq := diff(i(t), t) = ir*i(t)*s(t)-rr*i(t); d_eq := diff(d(t), t) = dr*i(t); ics := s(0) = s0, i(0) = i0, d(0) = 0

"i0:=1.E3:    P0:=3.E8:    drate:=0.02:     s0:=0.6*P0:    ir:=(0.1)/(s0):   rr:=1/(30.):  dr:=rr*drate:   "

sol := dsolve({d_eq, i_eq, ics, s_eq}, numeric); tf := 120; plots:-odeplot(sol, [t, d(t)], 0 .. tf)


sol := dsolve({d_eq, i_eq, ics, s_eq}, numeric, output = listprocedure); i := eval(i(t), sol); s := eval(s(t), sol); d := eval(d(t), sol)

tf; plot(d(t), t = 0 .. tf)




plot(d(t), t = 0 .. tf, view = [0 .. 150, 0 .. 40000])





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