Question: how to enable autoscrolling in worksheet mode?

I've asked about this 5 years ago

And according to the reply there at the time, this is supposed to have been fixed in Maple 2015.1:

It appears that the scrolling issue has been fixed in the next version of Maple

But ever since then, whenever I use Maple, the worksheet do not auto-scroll as the program runs and prints outout to the screen. I have to keep using the mouse to move the bar down to see the latest prints.

Not only that, the bar itself (on the right side) shrinks in size as more outpout is printed.

It becomes smaller and smaller with time, and becomes very hard to grab it with the mouse since it become so thin.  Once all the output is deleted, the bar become long again.

So I think there is an option to enable autoscrolling somewhere.

But I am not able to find it. I looked at options, display, general and interface and see nothing there to turn it on.

Sometimes I get the feeling that the folks at Maplesoft do not use Maple interface the way we users use it, becuase this is such a basic interface problem and any one who uses Maple interface for more than one day must see these problems all the time.

So how come these are still not fixed?  Here is a screen shot showing the bar on the right after long print out, and showing how it was before.

I use only worksheet mode, not document mode. On windows 10.





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