Question: some issues using new Physics:-Latex() command

I am trying the new Physics:-Latex command in version 774.

Couple of isssues I found:

1) One test I have failed with this error

Error, (in anonymous procedure called from anonymous procedure called from anonymous procedure called from anonymous procedure called from Physics:-*) invalid boolean expression: NULL

Using the normal latex() command works OK. I hope it is not too hard to fix since this new version seems to have fixed the fraction problem in latex(). Please see

sol:=dsolve(t*(t-2)^2*diff(diff(y(t),t),t)+t*diff(y(t),t)+y(t) = 0,y(t));
latex(sol);  #OK

Physics:-Latex(sol); #error


2) Maple now generates Latex using maple macro, which I do not know what it is.  Comparing

ode:=t*(t-2)^2*diff(diff(y(t),t),t)+t*diff(y(t),t)+y(t) = 0;

which gives 

t \left( t-2 \right) ^{2}{\frac {{\rm d}^{2}}{{\rm d}{t}^{2}}}y
 \left( t \right) +t{\frac {\rm d}{{\rm d}t}}y \left( t \right) +y
 \left( t \right) =0

compare to


which gives

t \left(t -2\right)^{2} \Mapleoverset{\ldots}{y}\left(t \right)
      +t \Mapleoverset{.}{y}\left(t \right)+y \left(t \right) = 0

What is \Mapleoverset ? googling around, these look like part of internal Maple style sheet for Latex?

Does this mean when using the new Physics Latex command, now one needs to use the package maplestd2e.sty?  With the normal latex() command, this was not needed. 

Just trying to understand the new setup.

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