Question: Varying Value until Matrix Determinant equals Zero

Hello Everyone,

First off, thank you all for your help previously, it helped me a lot!
Today, I am struggling with another small question and I wonder if there is an easy way to do it:

I am working on a problem where I have to vary values of a 4x4 Matrix until its determinant becomes zero (and the answer to the linear equations system is no longer the trivial one...)
All values depend on a single value (kx) that I can iteratively change to get it where it needs to be.

Now I would start to write a while-loop where it would change the value according to the determinant, incl. sign changes etc.
Before I get into this, I was wondering if maybe Maple has some sort of Built-In Function that could do this for me. 
(I could not find anything via the Maple Help/Google, so I thought I could ask.)

Best Regards,

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