Question: Encasing Script in "Proc() / End Proc" makes the code not work. Why?

Hello Everyone,

Me Again... So I have been working do create a procedure, but I started the coding without encasing it in the proc() / end proc; brackets, thinking I could add it later.
What the script does is take parameters and create a matrix and determines the determinant of that matrix.
When I let the script run on its own, it is working perfectly, but when I activate the proc() / end proc; brackets it suddenly gives me a number of errors, telling me the matrix is not square or that the if-loop misses its 2nd argument.

I am kind of suspecting this happens because I take the variable "NumberPlies" from a Table that exists outside the proc(), but on the same work sheet, but I am not 100% sure.
I have uploaded the code, so one of you experts could perhaps have a look and tell me where I am wrong. Why is the script behaving differently on its own compared to when I call it as a procedure?

Any help would be fantastic!

Best Regards,


Anzahl Lagen des Laminates (Ohne Mittellage, eine Seite der Symmetrie):





restart; interface(warnlevel = 0); with(DocumentTools); with(LinearAlgebra); with(DocumentTools); with(LinearAlgebra); E1 := 125000; E2 := 10000; v12 := .3; G12 := 5000; t := .25; v21 := E2*v12/E1; Q11 := E1/(-v12*v21+1); Q22 := E2/(-v12*v21+1); Q12 := v21*E1/(-v12*v21+1); Q66 := G12; NumberPlies := GetProperty('ComboBox1', 'selectedindex'); A11 := 0; A12 := 0; A16 := 0; A21 := 0; A22 := 0; A26 := 0; A61 := 0; A62 := 0; A66 := 0; B11 := 0; B12 := 0; B16 := 0; B21 := 0; B22 := 0; B26 := 0; B61 := 0; B62 := 0; B66 := 0; D11 := 0; D12 := 0; D16 := 0; D21 := 0; D22 := 0; D26 := 0; D61 := 0; D62 := 0; D66 := 0; for i to NumberPlies do CurrentAngle := PlyTable1[i, 1]; CurrentHeight := t*i; CurrentHeight := CurrentHeight-.5*t*NumberPlies; CurrentAngleRad := (1/180)*Pi*CurrentAngle; CurrentQMatrix := Matrix(3, 3, {(1, 1) = Q11, (1, 2) = Q12, (1, 3) = 0, (2, 1) = Q12, (2, 2) = Q22, (2, 3) = 0, (3, 1) = 0, (3, 2) = 0, (3, 3) = Q66}); TurnMatrix := Matrix(3, 3, {(1, 1) = cos(CurrentAngleRad)^2, (1, 2) = sin(CurrentAngleRad)^2, (1, 3) = -2*cos(CurrentAngleRad)*sin(CurrentAngleRad), (2, 1) = sin(CurrentAngleRad)^2, (2, 2) = cos(CurrentAngleRad)^2, (2, 3) = 2*cos(CurrentAngleRad)*sin(CurrentAngleRad), (3, 1) = -2*cos(CurrentAngleRad)*sin(CurrentAngleRad), (3, 2) = 2*cos(CurrentAngleRad)*sin(CurrentAngleRad), (3, 3) = cos(CurrentAngleRad)^2-sin(CurrentAngleRad)^2}); CurrentQMatrixTurned := Multiply(TurnMatrix, Multiply(CurrentQMatrix, Transpose(TurnMatrix))); Q_11 := CurrentQMatrixTurned[1, 1]; Q_12 := CurrentQMatrixTurned[1, 2]; Q_16 := CurrentQMatrixTurned[1, 3]; Q_21 := CurrentQMatrixTurned[2, 1]; Q_22 := CurrentQMatrixTurned[2, 2]; Q_26 := CurrentQMatrixTurned[2, 3]; Q_61 := CurrentQMatrixTurned[3, 1]; Q_62 := CurrentQMatrixTurned[3, 2]; Q_66 := CurrentQMatrixTurned[3, 3]; A11 := A11+Q_11*(CurrentHeight-CurrentHeight+t); A12 := A12+Q_12*(CurrentHeight-CurrentHeight+t); A16 := A16+Q_16*(CurrentHeight-CurrentHeight+t); A21 := A21+Q_21*(CurrentHeight-CurrentHeight+t); A22 := A22+Q_22*(CurrentHeight-CurrentHeight+t); A26 := A26+Q_26*(CurrentHeight-CurrentHeight+t); A61 := A61+Q_61*(CurrentHeight-CurrentHeight+t); A62 := A62+Q_62*(CurrentHeight-CurrentHeight+t); A66 := A66+Q_66*(CurrentHeight-CurrentHeight+t); B11 := B11+.5*Q_11*(CurrentHeight^2-(CurrentHeight-t)^2); B12 := B12+.5*Q_12*(CurrentHeight^2-(CurrentHeight-t)^2); B16 := B16+.5*Q_16*(CurrentHeight^2-(CurrentHeight-t)^2); B21 := B21+.5*Q_21*(CurrentHeight^2-(CurrentHeight-t)^2); B22 := B22+.5*Q_22*(CurrentHeight^2-(CurrentHeight-t)^2); B26 := B26+.5*Q_26*(CurrentHeight^2-(CurrentHeight-t)^2); B61 := B61+.5*Q_61*(CurrentHeight^2-(CurrentHeight-t)^2); B62 := B62+.5*Q_62*(CurrentHeight^2-(CurrentHeight-t)^2); B66 := B66+.5*Q_66*(CurrentHeight^2-(CurrentHeight-t)^2); D11 := D11+(1/3)*Q_11*(CurrentHeight^3-(CurrentHeight-t)^3); D12 := D12+(1/3)*Q_12*(CurrentHeight^3-(CurrentHeight-t)^3); D16 := D16+(1/3)*Q_16*(CurrentHeight^3-(CurrentHeight-t)^3); D21 := D21+(1/3)*Q_21*(CurrentHeight^3-(CurrentHeight-t)^3); D22 := D22+(1/3)*Q_22*(CurrentHeight^3-(CurrentHeight-t)^3); D26 := D26+(1/3)*Q_26*(CurrentHeight^3-(CurrentHeight-t)^3); D61 := D61+(1/3)*Q_61*(CurrentHeight^3-(CurrentHeight-t)^3); D62 := D62+(1/3)*Q_62*(CurrentHeight^3-(CurrentHeight-t)^3); D66 := D66+(1/3)*Q_66*(CurrentHeight^3-(CurrentHeight-t)^3) end do; A = (Matrix(3, 3, {(1, 1) = A11, (1, 2) = A12, (1, 3) = A16, (2, 1) = A21, (2, 2) = A22, (2, 3) = A26, (3, 1) = A61, (3, 2) = A62, (3, 3) = A66})); B = (Matrix(3, 3, {(1, 1) = B11, (1, 2) = B12, (1, 3) = B16, (2, 1) = B21, (2, 2) = B22, (2, 3) = B26, (3, 1) = B61, (3, 2) = B62, (3, 3) = B66})); D = (Matrix(3, 3, {(1, 1) = D11, (1, 2) = D12, (1, 3) = D16, (2, 1) = D21, (2, 2) = D22, (2, 3) = D26, (3, 1) = D61, (3, 2) = D62, (3, 3) = D66})); Nx := 200; Ny := 0; Nxy := 0; a := 500; b := 500; m := 1; chi := x/a; eta := y/b; alpha := a/b; alphaD := a*(D22/D11)^(1/4)/b; betaM := m*Pi/alphaD; betaD := (D12+2*D66)/sqrt(D11*D22); etaD := D12/sqrt(D11*D22); nyD := etaD/betaD; kx := Nx*b^2/(Pi^2*sqrt(D11*D22)); ky := Ny*b^2/(Pi^2*D22); kxy := Nxy*b^2/(Pi^2*(D11*D22^3)^(1/4)); Omega := betaD^2-1+kx*(alphaD/m)^2; if kx > (m/alphaD)^2 then lambda1 := m*Pi*sqrt(betaD+sqrt(Omega))/alphaD; lambda3 := m*Pi*sqrt(sqrt(Omega)-betaD)/alphaD; GenFunc := W1*cosh(lambda1*eta)+W2*sinh(lambda1*eta)+W3*cos(lambda3*eta)+W4*sin(lambda3*eta); Status := 1 elif kx < (m/alphaD)^2*(-betaD^2+1) then omegaklein := sqrt(.5*(sqrt(betaD^2-Omega)+betaD)); phi := sqrt(.5*(sqrt(betaD^2-Omega)-betaD)); GenFunc := W1*cosh(omegaklein*eta)*cos(phi*eta)+W2*sinh(omegaklein*eta)*cos(phi*eta)+W3*cosh(omegaklein*eta)*sin(phi*eta)+W4*sinh(omegaklein*eta)*sin(phi*eta); Status := 5 elif (m/alphaD)^2 > kx then if kx > (m/alphaD)^2*(-betaD^2+1) then lambda1 := m*Pi*sqrt(betaD+sqrt(Omega))/alphaD; lambda3 := m*Pi*sqrt(sqrt(Omega)-betaD)/alphaD; GenFunc := W1*cosh(lambda1*eta)+W2*sinh(lambda1*eta)+W3*cosh(lambda3*eta)+W4*sinh(lambda3*eta); Status := 3 end if end if; y := 0; EQ1 := GenFunc = 0; unassign('y'); GenFunc; EQHelp := diff(GenFunc, `$`(y, 1)); y := 0; EQ2 := EQHelp = 0; unassign('y')*GenFunc; y := b; EQ3 := GenFunc = 0; unassign('y'); GenFunc; EQHelp2 := diff(GenFunc, `$`(y, 1)); y := b; EQ4 := EQHelp2 = 0; unassign('y'); Test := GenerateMatrix({EQ1, EQ2, EQ3, EQ4}, {W1, W2, W3, W4}); Determinant(Test[1]); return Determinant(Test[1])







Error, (in LinearAlgebra:-Determinant) matrix must be square





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