Question: Trouble with the Maple book: Advanced Problem Solving Using Maple

Okey, here is something for you people: the command "pointplot" does not seem to work, however "plot" command does seem to work. Plot command with "style=point" in the syntax seems to give the same result as the books example. Hoever the books example does not give the same results as displayed in the book. 

How is that? Where did i go wrong? 

Could you please help me out? It really feels dumb to do what the book suggests and not getting the same results is a disappointment IMO.. 

k, M, init := 0.9e-3, 670, 30.0

biomass := proc (n::integer) option remember; piecewise(0 < n, biomass(n-1)+k*biomass(n-1)*(M-biomass(n-1)), init) end proc

pts := [seq([n, biomass(n)], n = 0 .. 30)]

pointplot(pts, view = [0 .. 30, 0 .. 700], title = "Biomass")

pointplot([[0, 30.0], [1, 47.280000], [2, 73.77798144], [3, 113.3672328], [4, 170.1607576], [5, 246.7084793], [6, 340.6951260], [7, 441.6684350], [8, 532.4305955], [9, 598.3521395], [10, 636.9357251], [11, 655.8895612], [12, 664.2189618], [13, 667.6748495], [14, 669.0720496], [15, 669.6308287], [16, 669.8533163], [17, 669.9417472], [18, 669.9768706], [19, 669.9908171], [20, 669.9963543], [21, 669.9985526], [22, 669.9994254], [23, 669.9997719], [24, 669.9999094], [25, 669.9999640], [26, 669.9999857], [27, 669.9999943], [28, 669.9999977], [29, 669.9999991], [30, 669.9999996]], view = [0 .. 30, 0 .. 700], title = "Biomass")


plot(pts, style = point, view = [0 .. 30, 0 .. 700], title = "Biomass")



So the 2nd line trying to make the plot does seem to work, however i would like to use the "pointplot" command, which does not work. :( 



The Function 



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