Question: dsolve for system of 3 real eqs returns solution with additional tiny imaginary terms. How do I get just the real part?

I want to solve a system of 3 simple real linear odinary differential equations.

The solution using dsolve has some extra imaginary terms with very small (10^-10) coefficients.   How to I get just the real part of the solution.

Here is an example code:

v1 := 1;
v2 := 0.5;
k := 0.12;
p1 := 0.328;
p2 := 0.74;
l1 := 0.31;
l2 := 1.16;
sysode := diff(Cp(t), t) = -(p1 + p2 + k)*Cp(t) + l1*C1(t) + l2*C2(t), diff(C1(t), t) = (p1*Cp(t) - l1*C1(t))/v1, diff(C2(t), t) = (p2*Cp(t) - l2*C2(t))/v2;
ics := Cp(0) = 0.347, C1(0) = 0., C2(0) = 0.;
sol := convert(dsolve([sysode, ics]), float);

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