Question: Belousov–Zhabotinsky equation

Hi! Do you know maybe how to solve equation with Laplace operator in Maple like BZ equation?

a := 0.75;
rho := u(t) + v(t) + w(t);
ode := diff(u(t), t) = 10*Delta(u(t)) + u*(-a*v - rho + 1);
ode1 := diff(v(t), t) = 10*Delta(v(t)) + v*(-a*w - rho + 1);
ode2 := diff(w(t), t) = 10*Delta(w(t)) + w*(-a*u - rho + 1);


Edit: Sorry I guess it should be function of three variables so u,v,w depends on (x,y,z) not strictle from time

I am wondering how to animate something like this from BZ equation:

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