Question: How to solve ODE?

:RLC circuit I want to solve.


with(DynamicSystems); with(inttrans)

E := 1; J := 3; R := 3; L := 1; C := 1/2




i__RL := proc (t) options operator, arrow; invlaplace((1/s-6/s^2)/(s+3+2/s), s, t) end proc

proc (t) options operator, arrow; invlaplace((1/s-6/s^2)/(s+3+2/s), s, t) end proc





e__C := proc (t) options operator, arrow; E-i__RL(t)*R-L*(diff(i__RL(t), t)) end proc

proc (t) options operator, arrow; E-i__RL(t)*R-L*(diff(i__RL(t), t)) end proc





plot([-4*exp(-2*t)-3+7*exp(-t), 10+4*exp(-2*t)-14*exp(-t)], t = 0 .. 10, color = [red, blue], thickness = 3, labels = ["t", "i(t)_red and vc(t)_blue"])







[diff(x1(t), t) = x2(t), diff(x2(t), t) = -(1/3)*x3(t), diff(x3(t), t) = 6*x2(t)-3*x3(t)-3*u1(t), y1(t) = -6*x1(t)+x2(t)]


How to solve this by Maple? The answer I want to solve is the plot shown above.


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