Question: difficulties with textplot and polygonplot

with(plots): with(geometry):
_EnvHorizontalName := 'x':
_EnvVerticalName := 'y':
a := 7:
point(E, 0, a*sqrt(3)/2):
point(B, -a/2, 0):
point(C, a/2, 0):
point(o, 0, a*sqrt(3)/6):
point(A, 0, a/2):
point(H, 0, 0):
R := (3-sqrt(3))*sqrt(2)*a/12:
point(J, 0, a*sqrt(3)/6 - R):
triangle(Tr1, [E, B, C]):
triangle(Tr2, [A, B, C]):
StretchRotation(E1, E, B, Pi/4, clockwise, sqrt(2)/2);
StretchRotation(E2, E, C, Pi/4, counterclockwise, sqrt(2)/2);
triangle(Tr3, [E, B, E1]);
triangle(Tr4, [E, C, E2]);
triangle(Tr5, [B, C, J]);
circle(cir, [point(P1,[0,a*sqrt(3)/6]), R]):
poly := Matrix([[0, a*sqrt(3)/2], [-7/4 + (7*sqrt(3))/4, -7/4 + (7*sqrt(3))/4], [0, a/2], [7/4 - (7*sqrt(3))/4, -7/4 + (7*sqrt(3))/4]], datatype = float);
pol1 := polygonplot(poly, colour = "Magenta", transparency = 0.7, gridlines);
tex := textplot([0.2, a*sqrt(3)/2, "zE"], 'align' = {'above', 'right'});
draw([Tr1(color = cyan),
Tr3(color = green),
Tr2(color = red),
Tr4(color = grey),
Tr1(color=blue)],'view' = [-5 .. 5, 0 .. 7], 
axes = normal, scaling = constrained,size=[800,800]);
Error, (in geometry:-draw) the option must be of type equation or name
line(L1, [B, o]);
line(L1, -(7*x*sqrt(3))/6 + (7*y)/2 - (49*sqrt(3))/12 = 0);
reflection(J1, J, L1);
triangle(Tr6, [B, J1, E]);
line(L2, [C, o]);
line(L2, -(7*x*sqrt(3))/6 - (7*y)/2 + (49*sqrt(3))/12 = 0);
reflection(J3, J, L2);
triangle(Tr7, [C, J3, E]);
triangle(T1, [E, J1, A]);
triangle(T2, [E, C, E2]);
triangle(T3, [B, H, J]);
triangle(T4, [C, H, J]);

draw([cir(color = orange, filled = true, transparency = 0.1), pol1, Tr6(color = blue, filled = true, transparency = 0.2), Tr5(color = blue, filled = true, transparency = 0.2), Tr7(color = blue, filled = true, transparency = 0.2), T1(color = green, filled = true, transparency = 0.2), T2(color = green, filled = true, transparency = 0.2), T3(color = green, filled = true, transparency = 0.2), T4(color = green, filled = true, transparency = 0.2)], axes = none, scaling = constrained);
Error, (in geometry:-draw) the option must be of type equation or name

Why these errors messages ? Thank you.

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