Question: Solve Linearly System in explicit form

Hello dear

please guide me how to solve linearly system in explicit form.

In this purpose of this problem is to find  w1, w2 w3  as symblic solution in Matrix form. and I hope that in the futher the vairiables consist of w1 ... wn and will still be applied in those simplied form or explicit form.

Thank you


Vector[column](3, [0.85*((phi__cs*beta__s*f__con) . (D__pile*w__1)) + Vector[column](1, [-5/6*H - 5/8*P]), 0.85*((phi__cs*beta__s*f__con) . (D__pile*w__2)) + Vector[column](1, [5/6*H - 5/8*P]), 0.85*((phi__cs*beta__s*f__con) . (D__pile*w__3)) + Vector[column](1, [1/2*H - 3/8*P])])

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