Question: different result for loop on expr if it is complex vs. real

When running this

for item in expr do

it prints 5 as expected. When when running

expr:=I;  (* NOTICE this is complex  I not the number 1 *)
for item in expr do

it prints the number 1 and not I

I am sure there is a good reason why this happens.

But what should one do to insure they get the complex I in the second example when iterating over a sum of numbers, which in this example happened to be just one number who is complex? I know I can add explicit check to avoid this edge case.

The problem is that I want to iterate of sum of iterms, One or more of them can be complex I. (it is a result of doing series expansion of function at infinity, and I want to iterate over each term in the series one by one).

for item in expr do

Gives   9,1   and not 9,I


for item in expr do

does now give exected output   I,a  and not 1,a


What should one do to insure the for loop always get each term in the sum, even if it is complex?

I can't check the item inside the loop, because by then it is too late as the compelx I is lost already.

Is there a better way to iterate over sum of terms and look at each term as is and not lose the complex I in the way?

Maple 2022.1


For now, I am doing this hack. Since the input is always a sum (with + or - terms), then I convert the input to string, split on delimitors and then parse the entries back to Maple and now it is a list so I can iterate over each term. 

for item in % do

And when expr is


It is a hack, but I could not find a relaible way to iterate over each term in the sum of terms without losing the complex I if one term was complex. I need to test this more. It is meant to work only on expression which is sum of terms, which is where I will use it.

Compare the output of the above for expr:=1-I;

The for loop gives 1,-1  but the string hack gives 1,-I which is what I wanted.

Ofcourse the above could fail if there is a "-" or "+" inside the term itself (for example  1+I+sin(1-x) , but this do not happen for the cases I am using this for, which just looking at terms of series expansion around either zero or infinity. These will be just power series terms separated by "+" or possibly "-"

If there is better way do this, that will be great.




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