Question: Numerical solution, Produce a graph with various values for parameters.

How can I produce a graph with various values for parameters? I also attached a sample of my Maple code.



eqn1 := diff(V(t), t) = pi*p - (alpha + mu)*V(t), V(0) = ic1

eqn2 := diff(S(t), t) = alpha*V(t) + (1 - p)*pi - beta*S(t)*In(t)/N - mu*S(t), S(0) = ic2

eqn3 := diff(In(t), t) = beta*S(t)*In(t)/N - (mu + delta + gamma)*In(t), In(0) = ic3

eqn4 := diff(R(t), t) = gamma*In(t) - mu*R(t), R(0) = ic4

pi := 487845;
p := 0.948;
alpha := 0.054;
beta := 0.955;
mu := 0.005;
delta := 0.03;
localgamma := 0.935;
ic1 := 484465;
ic2 := 31999760;
ic3 := 26305;
ics4 := 12470;
dsol := dsolve([eqn1, eqn2, eqn3, eqn4], numeric);

odeplot(dsol, [[t, V(t), color = plum], [t, S(t), color = blue], [t, In(t), color = cyan], [t, R(t), color = green]], t = 0 .. 1000, view = [0 .. 1000, 0 .. 300000000], thickness = 3)

Let's say I want to produce a graph for eqn1 with various values of parameter p: p = 0.2, p = 0.5, p = 0.7, p = 0.8. How should I produce it?

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