Question: Typesetting:−Settings(parserwarnings=false): in your maple.ini

I'm using Windows, and putting 


into my maple.ini didn't seem to work.  The command

rsolve({u(0) = a, u(1) = b, u(n + 1) = 2*u(n) - (-e^2 + 1)*u(n - 1)}, u(n))

generated a (to me, useless) warning that "e" is sometimes used by people to represent the base of the natural logarithms, and if I meant that, then I'd have to use the palette or exp(1).  Well, as Freud once said, sometimes "e" is just a symbol, not necessarily the base of the natural logarithms.

If I issue the command *in the worksheet* it works.  But, I really *never* want to see that warning so I would like to put it in my maple.ini file.  I have some other things in that file, which *do* get executed, so...

But maybe this is a Windows thing?

My question: how do I turn those warnings off, so I never, ever see them?

The initialization file in question:

# Minimal maple.ini file
# RMC 2023-05-01
plots:-setoptions(font = ["Arial", 16], labelfont = ["Arial", 16],
                  axes = boxed,
                  gridlines = true,
                  colour = black ):
print(" Initialization complete. " );

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