Question: Error in DEtools/DEplot/CheckDE - Derivatives must be given explicitly?


I have come across a problem in Maple, when I try plotting af slope field from my differential equation. 

I have tried different ways of defining the ODE, but when I use it in the command of "linjeelementer" (Danish for line elements - It's a command that's part of a package called "With (Gym)" in Maple, it gives me the error: Error, (in DEtools/DEplot/CheckDE) - Derivatives must be given explicitly. 

I don't understand what derivatives I must "give explicitly"?

Translation of the relevant sentences if anyone needs it when looking at the screenshot:

"I need to draw a slope field for the differential equation along with the solution curve for the population growth in India after 1960.

I define the differential equation:
ODE := -0.000032229*y^2 + 0.065843*y - 15.103"

"I am drawing the slope field for the differential equation along with the solution curve for the population growth in India after 1960, i.e., the solution curve that passes through the point (0,449):I am drawing a slope field for the differential equation along with the solution curve for the population growth in India after 1960, i.e., the solution curve that passes through the point (0,449):
linjeelementer(ODE, y(t), t = 0 .. 350, y = 0 .. 2000)"

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