Question: Make a generation solution with different parameter for ODE

i have ODE equation i want a list of function solution when the parameter change then the solution is change too,so i wan the out come function and also show the parameter too i have idea but i can't write a generator function for it


K := diff(F(xi), xi) = A+B*F(xi)+C*F(xi)^2

diff(F(xi), xi) = A+B*F(xi)+C*F(xi)^2


dsolve(K, F(xi))

F(xi) = -(1/2)*(-tan((1/2)*_C1*(4*A*C-B^2)^(1/2)+(1/2)*xi*(4*A*C-B^2)^(1/2))*(4*A*C-B^2)^(1/2)+B)/C



i want something like this table


please someone help for writing this program is importan

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