Question: is it possible to put color in the Ameba surface

Bl := color = black;
y0 := x -> -ln(1 - exp(-x));
y0 := proc (x) options operator, arrow; -ln(1-exp(-x)) end proc

y1 := x -> -ln(-1 + exp(-x));
y1 := proc (x) options operator, arrow; -ln(-1+exp(-x)) end proc

y2 := x -> -ln(1 + exp(-x));
y2 := proc (x) options operator, arrow; -ln(1+exp(-x)) end proc

p := plot(y0(x), x = 0.02 .. 4, scaling = constrained, color = blue);
p1 := plot(y2(x), x = -4 .. 4, scaling = constrained, color = green);
p2 := plot(y1(x), x = -4 .. 0, scaling = constrained, color = red);
display({p, p1, p2}, view = [-4 .. 4, -4 .. 5]);
Calculate its area; Thank you.

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