Question: Difficulty with printf

intersections := proc(P, Q, T)
local R, W, w, t, a, b, sol, buff, v;
sol := NULL;
if T = Y then W := X; else
W := Y; end if;
R := resultant(P, Q, T);
print(`Résultant :`); print(R);
w := fsolve(R, W); t := NULL;
for v in [w] do t := t, fsolve(subs(W = v, P), T); end do;
for a in {w} do for b in {t} do if T = Y then
buff := abs(subs(X = a, Y = b, P)) + abs(subs(X = a, Y = b, Q));
printf(`X=%a,   Y=%a   --->  %a\\n`, a, b, buff); if buff < 1/100000000 then sol := sol, [a, b]; end if;
else buff := abs(subs(X = b, Y = a, P)) + abs(subs(X = b, Y = a, Q));
printf(`X=%a,   Y=%a   --->  %a\\n `, a, b, buff); if buff < 1/100000000 then sol := sol, [b, a]; end if; end if; end do; end do; printf(`Nombre de solutions :  %a\\n`, nops({sol})); print({sol}); end proc:
intersections(X^2 + Y^2 - 1, X - Y, X);
X=-.7071067812,   Y=-.7071067812   --->  0.\n 
I do not wish to find \n in the answer

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