Question: Plot display in array caption

Dear Maple user

I want to add caption for all four graphs with a,b,c,d at the bottom centre of each graph that should be arrange in 2X2 array and the array bottom caption as Figure 6, also i want to save the output of the array graphs in desktop with jpeg format. sample graph i have uploaded.

A1:= plot(sin(x), x = -Pi .. Pi,title = "Graph at M^2=1",caption = "Fig a"):# This caption is at the centre bottom of first graph and the title of A1 is M*M (M^2)should be display
A2:= plot(cos(x), x = -Pi .. Pi,caption = "Fig b"):# This caption is at the centre bottom of second graph
A3 := plot3d(1.5^x*sin(y), x = -3 .. 3, y = -3 .. 3,caption = "Fig c"):# This caption is at the centre bottom of Third graph
A4 := plot3d(1.3^x*sin(y), x = -1 .. 2*Pi, y = 0 .. Pi,caption = "Fig d"):# This caption is at the centre bottom of forth graph
display(Array(1 .. 2, 1 .. 2, [[A1, A2], [A3, A4]]), aligncolumns = [1],caption = "Fig 6"):# This caption at the bottom centre of array graphs 

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