Question: Matrix formulation using proc depending on two parameters

Hi Dear,

I hope everyone is fine here. In the attached file, I have generated a square matrix "Q" using two-dimensional polynomials. The dimension of the square matrix "Q" depends on M1 and M2 parameters. In my simulation, sometimes I need this matrix of 1000 by 1000 dimensions. Using the attached method, it took a lot of time to compute two-dimensional polynomials and then to compute the general square matrix "Q." I wanted to write this matrix using proc (procedures). Maybe by using this way, I don't need to compute the polynomials, and it took less time to compute the square matrix "Q." I know how to generate a matrix using proc when its dimension depends on one parameter. However, here, the dimension of matrix "Q" depends on two parameters, M1 and M2. So, I am a little bit confused about how to adjust them in proc. Please see the attached file and share your useful ideas.

Thanks in advance

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