Question: TEST.m in lib not run

I have a file TEST.m. How can I make it so that every time I start Maple, all the subprograms in the TEST.m file will run first? Then I just need to type the function with(TEST): sumpro(2,3,4) to get the result 9. I copied the TEST.m file into Maple's lib directory, but it doesn't run after starting Maple.

I just need to type sumvip(2, 3, 4) to get the result, but Maple doesn't understand it.

Please help.

TEST := module () local sumpro; export sumvip; option package;  sumpro := proc (a, b, c) local sumex; sumex := a+b+c; printf("sum of %A , %A and %A is %A", a, b, c, sumex) end proc; sumvip := proc () sumpro(args) end proc end module:

save TEST, "TEST.m"




sumvip(2, 3, 4)

sum of 2 , 3 and 4 is 9




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