Question: Fsolve


Good Morning,

Would anybody in the community please help me  to trouble shoot the problem with fsolve not producing result.


> restart;
> e[y] := f[y]/E[s];
> f[s] := proc (t) options operator, arrow; piecewise(t <= -e[y], -f[y], t <= e[y], E[s]*t, f[y]) end proc;
> A[tot] := proc (e1, e2, As1, As2) options operator, arrow; As1+As2 end proc;
> M[max] := proc (As1, As2) options operator, arrow; alpha[1]*phi[c]*f[c]*b*(h-c[top])*(h-c[top])+A[s2]*(h-c[bot]-c[top])*f[y] end proc;
> c[neu] := proc (e2, e1) options operator, arrow; h*e2/(e2-e1) end proc;
> a := proc (e2, e1) options operator, arrow; beta[1]*c[neu](e2, e1) end proc;
> F[c2] := proc (e1, e2) options operator, arrow; piecewise(c[top] <= a(e2, e1), alpha[1]*phi[c]*f[c], 0) end proc;
> F[s1] := proc (e1, e2) options operator, arrow; phi[s]*f[s](e1+(e2-e1)*c[bot]/h) end proc;
> F[s2] := proc (e1, e2) options operator, arrow; phi[s]*f[s](e1+(e2-e1)*(h-c[top])/h) end proc;
> Steel[force] := proc (e1, e2, As1, As2) options operator, arrow; As1*F[s1](e1, e2)+As2*(F[s2](e1, e2)-F[c2](e1, e2)) end proc;
> Concrete[force] := proc (e1, e2) options operator, arrow; b*a(e2, e1)*alpha[1]*phi[c]*f[c] end proc;
> Steel[moment] := proc (e1, e2, As1, As2) options operator, arrow; c[bot]*As1*F[s1](e1, e2)+(h-c[top])*As2*(F[s2](e1, e2)-F[c2](e1, e2)) end proc;
> Concrete[moment] := proc (e2, e1) options operator, arrow; (h-(1/2)*a(e2, e1))*b*a(e2, e1)*alpha[1]*phi[c]*f[c] end proc;
> Total[force] := proc (e1, e2, As1, As2) options operator, arrow; Steel[force](e1, e2, As1, As2)+Concrete[force](e1, e2) = 0 end proc;
> Total[moment] := proc (e1, e2, As1, As2) options operator, arrow; Steel[moment](e1, e2, As1, As2)+Concrete[moment](e2, e1) = M[f] end proc;

Input Variables:

> b := 250.;
> d := 500.;
> As1 := 3000; As2 := 3000;
> f[c] := 25.;
> f[y] := 400.;
> epsilon[c] := 0.35e-2;
> phi[c] := .6;
> phi[s] := .85;
> E[s] := 200000.;
> c[bot] := 50;
> c[top] := 50;
> h := 575;
> M[f] := 0.290e9;
> beta[1] := eval(max(.97-0.25e-2*f[c], .67));
> alpha[1] := eval(max(.85-0.15e-2*f[c], .67));

> Sols := fsolve({Total[force], Total[moment]}, {As1, As2, e1 = -0.2e-2, e2 <= 0.35e-2});
> assign(Sols);


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