Question: Mapping or Assigning equations to index variables

Good Afternoon,

Would anyone help on how to assign equations in a list to an index variables in a list. Below is my equations.

Eq := [seq(A[i], i=3..n)] = [seq(M[i -1]*a/(6*E*Ipile) + 2*M[i]*a / (3*E*Ipile) + M[i + 1]*a / (6*E*Ipile) - (Delta[i - 1] - Delta[i]) / a - Delta[i] - Delta[i + 1] / a ) = 0 ), i=3..n)]


When I tried the above, I was expecting Maple to assign A[3]  to the first equation in the list on the right hand side and so on, but instead I was getting an error message.

Can anyone help me as to how to assign each index variables in the list on left hand side to each equation in the list on the right hand side. (Mapping 1-1).



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